TYPO3 9.5 LTS is here!

The new Long Term Support Version TYPO3 9.5 has new features on board.

The new TYPO3 version 9.5 LTS came out in october. After initial internal tests, customers can now order accounts in the new version. This version will receive full support until April 2020 and guaranteed security updates by September 2021.


What is new by TYPO3 9.5 LTS

Native URL Routing

The native URL routing is the most important innovation of Version 9.5. For the generation of speaking URLs no further extensions are necessary. The URL structure can be set directly in the page configuration.

SEO out of the box

Previously, extensions were necessary for certain SEO tasks, so these are now also directly integrated. In a new SEO tab in the page properties, where you can make the most important SEO-relevant settings for each page.

Better Usability for the Backend

Editors can look forward to a number of improvements. Editing the page-tree using drag & drop becomes more intuitive. Overall, page building in the backend gets faster.
New content items can be created using a Lightbox module for better performance.
Duplicating content becomes easier.

Extension Scanner for easier Updates

The new Extension Scanner provides support for updating to higher TYPO3 versions. Updates will be easier and safer.

All in all, Typo3 9.5 is a really successful new LTS version that has exciting new features for both developers and editors.

The complete release note can be found on TYPO3.org.

Still have questions? Contact us, we will be pleased to help you.


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